Riding a Wave of Dreams

Bucket List?

Bucket List? What is a bucket list? I’ve read several theories about why it’s called a bucket list. Only one of those doesn’t involve death - that one is as a kid kicking a ball into a bucket and if you get it in you’d celebrate. So to me, that means that putting things in the bucket is a good thing. So grab the parts you want out of life, things you want to see, do, and have and put them in a bucket that keeps growing as you go through life.

That bucket shouldn’t have a limit, every hour of every day we are thinking. Some estimates are 60-80,000 thoughts a day. How many are things you want to put on your bucket list? Sure a great many of those thoughts are the daily mental checklist items like pick up milk (crap I have to get milk, again lol). But to honestly live and have a fulfilling life, we have to have dreams of doing, seeing, and experiencing.  All these bucket list items we all should have don’t have to be as grand as climbing Everest or skydiving. It may just be to drive a particular car, or see a specific play or visit a national park. This section of our journey will be about the places Tracey and I have on our bucket list. Will this stuff change and grow? I really hope so. Bucket lists can be made up of lifetime goals, things to see before you die. Or they can be just a simple summer bucket list, or heck, even just a bucket list for things to do on a week-long vacation. But you know what?  All of those little bucket list items add up to your life experiences and the memories we make that can’t be taken away and the only thing we take with us. You’re probably thinking why do I care about someone else’s bucket list? Well, we’re hoping that this will give you some ideas, spark something in you to help you in your dreams. Maybe you’ll see something and say oh wow that would be cool. Join us on this journey to fill a bucket list as big as you want... What's on your list? Leave us a comment...

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